Monday, May 12, 2008

Food Allergy!!!

Oh my god.... been sleeping since last night after dinner till now....Guess my food allergy + the jab + medicines had caused me too drowsy to wake up!

Oh yes...I'm having Food Allergy... Main cause?! I'm not too sure, think it must be the Mini Abalone that I had last night's dinner... yes yes yesh! I'm allergy to seafood...I mean not all seafood but just some shelled types like Scallop & Escargot!!

Yes,I'm missing out all the good food delicacy but what can i do??!! It's not up to be to decide (I think my body does) since till recent years that my body starts to develop resistance to these shelled food which happens to one of my favorite foods....

So what happen next? Blocked nose + asthmatic breathing + swollen eyes + itchy skins

Oh talking about swollen eyes... I took a pic of my "Panda-tic" eyes just now and let you know what I mean by I will not simply go out and show the world my "Panda-tic" eyes even you pay me a million dollars!!

As most people who knows me, you may have notice my double-eyelids are gone with these "Panda-tic" eyes...and look at how swollen my eyelids are...and guess what? I tried puttng 2 coins on top of it & it just simply won't drop off! (Amazing right?) But these isn't the worst! Last night is worse than this....because last night my eyes are so swollen that my eyes can barely open wide...and the widest that I tried to open was like a thin jokes man!

Anyway, talking about allergy...someone told me before that allergy usually occurs suddenly and more frequently when one gets older, especially when you are being introduced to a totally new food that your body had not tried before or not as frequent. Till this extent I sort of believe it, because I didn't had this kind of allergy till a few years ago... It's kind of sad as some of these food that I am allergied to, are my favourites like escargots and scallops. So, each time if I am going to eat the dish of food that may contain the food that I am allergied to, I will have to asked and double confirmed if the person prepared that dish had added it. If he/she does, then I wil have to forgo that dish..

It's kind of irony right? Especially when you are attending a banquet and everyone is asking you to eat after the food been served to you and as a kind of courtesy, you should at least touch the food for a second...while someone that goes to the banquet with knows that you can't eat them due to your food allergy, asked you not to even touch the food!

Check out what I have found on Food allergy....on Youtube

So, back to food allergy.... are you allergic to any food? And do you feel like I did? If so, how does it affect you?

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